Personal Information
Birth date: November 20, 1947
Marital status: Married, 5 children
UCLA address: Anderson Graduate School of Management
Los Angeles, California 90024
(310) 825-2922
Business address: FinEcon
10877 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 710
Los Angeles, California 90024
(310) 208-2827
Ph.D. Financial Economics, Stanford University, 1975
M.S. Statistics, Stanford University, 1974
A.B. (Interdepartmental) Physics, Philosophy
and Psychology, Stanford University, 1970
Teaching Positions & Professional Positions
1987-Present: Professor of Finance and Director of the Bank of America Research Center,
Anderson Graduate School of Management,
1990-Present: President, FinEcon: Financial
Economic Consulting
1988-1990: Vice-President and Director of
the Securities Litigation Group, Economic Analysis Corporation
1979-1986: Assistant and Associate Professor of Finance, UCLA
1983-1984: Visiting Professor of Finance,
California Institute of Technology
1977-1979: Assistant Professor of Finance,
University of Southern California
1975-1977: Assistant Professor of Finance,
University of Arizona
Courses Taught
Information Systems and Corporate Valuation
The Law and Finance of Corporate Acquisitions and Restructurings
Corporate Financial Theory
The Theory of Finance in the UCLA Law School
Security Valuation and Investments
A wide variety of executive and community
education programs
Special Education Programs Include
The U.S. Business School in Prague - Special Finance Program, Summer 1991
The Nissan Program for Historically Black Colleges, Director, Summer 1989
The Lead Program for Business Education of
Minority High School Students, 1987-Present
Consulting and Professional Activities
Selected Service at UCLA
Twice chairman of finance department
Twice Vice-Chairman of the Anderson School
Three time member of the staffing and promotin
Service to Scholarly Journals and Organizations
Served as an associate editor for a variety of scholarly and business journals including: the Journal of Finance, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business and Economics, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Futures Markets, and the Investment Management Review.
Served as a reviewer for numerous finance and
economics journals including: the American Economic Review,
Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Financial Economics,
Journal of Business, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
and the Review of Economics and Statistics.
Memberships in Professional Societies
American Finance Association 1973-Present
Member of Board of Directors, 1987-1989
Western Finance Association 1973-Present
Member of Board of Directors, 1982-1985
Vice-President, 1987
American Economic Association 1973-Present
American Statistical Association 1992-Present
International Association of Financial Engineers 1993-Present
American Law and Economics Association 1995-Present
Human Behavior and Evolution Society 1995-Present
Research Evaluation
Project reviewer for the National Science Foundation: 1979-Present
Program committee for the Western Finance
Association: 1982-1988
Board and Committee Memberships
Chairman, Mayor Riordanís Blue Ribbon Commission on Los Angelesí Muncipal Investments
Pension Policy Board, The Aerospace Corporation: 1985-Present
Forms Engineering Corporation: 1976-Present
Trustee, Kellow Trust: 1982-1991
Selected Consulting Clients
Merrill Lynch (Obtained futures brokers license, owned a seat of the International Monetary Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange)
Chase Manhattan Bank
Thrifty Corporation
Wynn Oil
Resorts International
Expert Witness
Numerous cases involving the application
of financial economics
Media Experience
Occasional author for theWall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times
Occasional commentator for local television and radio stations
Lecturer on valuation theory, appraisal practice and securities pricing
B., 1996, Social Decoding and Ethnic Discrimination,
revising draft for possible publication by the University of
Chicago Press.
B., 1994, Corporate Valuation, in Handbook of
Modern Finance, Third Edition, Dennis Logue ed., Warren Gorham
Lamont,, Boston, MA.
Cornell, B., 1993, Corporate Valuation:
Tools for Effective Appraisal and Decision Making,
Business One Irwin, New York, NY.
Academic Articles
B. and A.E. Bernardo, 1996, The Valuation of Complex Derivatives
by Major Investment Firms: Empirical Evidence, Journal
of Finance, (forthcoming)
Cornell, B. and I. Welch, 1996, Culture,
Information and Screening Discrimination, Journal of
Political Economy, (forthcoming, June 1996).
Cornell, B., F. Longstaff and E. Schwartz, 1996, Throwing Good Money After Bad? Cash Infusions and Distressed Real Estate, Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, 24: 23-41.
Cornell, B., 1995, An Hypothesis Regarding
the Origins of Ethnic Discrimination, Rationality and
Society, 7 (January): 4-29.
Cornell, B, 1994, Change Reinforces Use
of DCF Method, Natural Gas, 11 (October): 5-15.
Cornell, B., 1993, Adverse Selection, Squeezes
and the Bid-Ask Spread on Treasury Securities, Journal
of Fixed Income, 3 (June): 39-47.
Cornell, B. and E. Sirri, 1992, The Reaction
of Investors and Stock Prices to Insider Trading, Journal
of Finance, 47 (July): 1031-1059.
Cornell, B., 1992, Liquidity and the Pricing
of Low-grade Bonds, Financial Analysts Journal, 48
(January/February): 63-68.
Cornell, B. and K. Green, 1991, Measuring
the Investment Performance of Low-grade Bond Funds, Journal
of Finance, 66 (March): 29-48.
Cornell, B. and G. Morgan, 1990, Using Finance
Theory to Measure Damages in Fraud on the Market Cases, UCLA
Law Review, 37 (No. 2): 883-924.
Cornell, B., 1990, The Incentive to Sue:
An Option Pricing Approach, Journal of Legal Studies,
17 (No. 1): 173-188.
Cornell, B., 1990, Volume and R2, Journal
of Financial Research, 13 (No. 13): 1-7.
Cornell, B., 1990, Measuring the Term Premium:
An Empirical Note, Journal of Economics and Business,
42 (No. 1): 89-93.
Cornell, B., W. Landsman and A. Shapiro, 1989,
Cross Sectional Regularities in the Reaction of Stock Prices
to Bond Rating Changes, Journal of Accounting, Auditing
and Finance, 4 (No. 4): 460-479.
Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro, 1989, The Mispricing
of U.S. Treasury Bonds: A Case Study, The Review of Financial
Studies, 2 (No. 3): 297-310.
Cornell, B., 1989, The Impact of Data Errors
on Measurement of the Foreign Exchange Risk Premium, Journal
of International Money and Finance, 8: 147-157.
Cornell, B. and W. Landsman, 1989, Security Price Response to Quarterly Earnings Announcements and Analyst Forecast Revisions, The Accounting Review, 64 (October):
Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro, 1988, Financing
Corporate Growth, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,
1 (Summer): 6-22.
Cornell, B. and K. Engelmann, 1988, Measuring
the Cost of Corporate Litigation: Five Case Studies, Journal
of Legal Studies, 17 (June): 135-162.
Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro, 1987, Corporate
Stakeholders and Corporate Finance, Financial Management,
16 (Spring): 5-14.
Cornell, B., A. Shapiro and W. Landsman, 1987, The Impact on Bank Stock Prices of Regulatory Responses to the International Debt Crisis, Journal of Banking and Finance,
3: 161-178.
Cornell, B., 1987, Pricing Interest Rate
Swaps: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Proceeding of Conference
on Swaps and Hedges, Saloman Brothers Center, New York University.
Cornell, B., 1987, Forecasting the Eleventh
District Cost of Funds, Housing Finance Review, 6 (Summer):
Cornell, B. and K.R. French, 1986, Commodity
Own Rates, Real Interest Rates, and Money Supply Announcements,
Journal of Monetary Economics, 18 (July): 3-20.
Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro, 1986, The Reaction
of Bank Stock Prices to the International Debt Crisis, Journal
of Banking and Finance, 10: 55-73.
Cornell, B., 1985, Inflation Measurement,
Inflation Risk, and the Pricing of Treasury Bills, Journal
of Financial Research, 9 (Fall): 193-202.
Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro, 1985, Interest
Rates and Exchange Rates: Some New Empirical Evidence, Journal
of International Money and Finance, 4: 431-442.
Cornell, B., 1985, The Weekly Pattern in
Stock Returns: Cash versus Futures, Journal of Finance,
40 (June): 583-588.
Cornell, B., 1985, The Income Approach to
Valuation, Proceedings of the Wichita State University
Conference on the Appraisal of Railroads and Public Utilities.
Cornell, B. and O. Sand, 1985, The Value
of Rate Base Options in the Eurocredit Market, Journal
of Bank Research, 16 (Spring): 22-28.
Cornell, B., 1983, The Money Supply Announcements
Puzzle: Review and Interpretation, American Economic Review,
73 (September): 644-658.
Cornell, B., 1985, The Money Supply Announcements
Puzzle: Reply, American Economic Review, 75 (June):
Cornell, B., and K.R. French, 1983, Taxes
and the Pricing of Stock Index Futures, Journal of Finance,
38 (June): 675-695.
Reprinted in Proceedings of the Seminar
for the Analysis of Securities Prices, University
of Chicago Press, 1983.
Cornell, B., 1983, Money Supply Announcements
and Interest Rates: Another View, Journal of Business,
56 (January): 1-25.
Reprinted in Proceedings of the Seminar
for the Analysis of Securities Prices, University of Chicago
Press, 1983.
Cornell, B., 1983, Monetary Policy and the Daily Behavior of Interest Rates, Journal of Business and Economics, 35: 189-203
Cornell, B. and A. Shapiro, 1983, Managing
Exchange Risk, Midland Corporate Financial Journal,
1 (Fall): 16-31.
Reprinted in New Developments in International
Finance, Ed. J.M. Stern and D.H. Chew, Basil Blackwell, New
York, 1988.
Cornell, B. and K.R. French, 1983, The Pricing
of Stock Index Futures, Journal of Futures Markets,
3 (Fall): 1-14.
Reprinted in Readings in Futures Markets,
Vol. V and in Selected Writings on Futures Markets: Explorations
in Financial Futures, both published by the Chicago Board
of Trade, 1984.
Cornell, B., 1982, Money Supply Announcements,
Interest Rates, and Foreign Exchange, Journal of International
Money and Finance, 1: 201-208.
Cornell, B. and M.R. Reinganum, 1981, Forward
versus Futures Prices: Evidence From the Foreign Exchange Markets,
Journal of Finance, 36 (December): 1035-1046.
Cornell, B., 1981, Taxation and the Pricing of Treasury Bill Futures, Journal of Finance,
36 (December): 1169-1176.
Cornell, B., 1981, The Relationship Between
Volume and Price Variability in Futures Markets, Journal
of Futures Markets, 1 (Fall): 303-316.
Cornell, B., 1981, Relative versus Absolute
Price Changes: An Empirical Study, Economic Inquiry,
16 (April): 302-309.
Cornell, B., 1981, The Consumption Based
Asset Pricing Model: A Note on Potential Tests and Applications,
Journal of Financial Economics, 9 (March): 103-110.
Cornell, B. and R. Roll, 1981, Strategies
for Pairwise Competitions in Markets and Organizations, Bell
Journal of Economics, 12 (Spring): 201-216.
Cornell, B., 1981, What is the Future for Floating Rate Bonds, Chase Financial Quarterly,
1 (Fall): 27-38.
Cornell, B., 1980, The Denomination of Foreign
Trade Contracts Once Again, Journal of Financial and Quantitative
Analysis, 15 (November): 933-945.
Cornell, B., 1980, Inflation, Relative Price
Changes and Exchange Risk, Financial Management, 9
(Spring): 30-35.
Cornell, B., 1979, Asymmetric Information
and Investment Performance Measurement, Journal of Financial
Economics, 7 (December): 381-390.
Cornell, B. and D. Capozza, 1979, Treasury
Bill Pricing in the Spot and Futures Markets, Review of
Economics and Statistics, 61 (November): 513-520.
Reprinted in Interest Rate Futures: Concepts
and Issues, Robert Dame, Inc. 1981.
Cornell, B. and D. Capozza, 1979, A Variance
Forecasting Test of the Option Pricing Model, Financial
Review, 7: 381-390.
Cornell, B., 1979, Relative Price Changes
and Deviations from Purchasing Power Parity, Journal of
Banking and Finance, 3: 263-279.
Cornell, B., 1979, A Note on Capital Asset
Pricing and the Theory of Indexed Bonds, Southern Journal
of Economics, 45: 1239-1247.
Cornell, B., 1979, Do Money Supply Announcements
Affect Short-term Interest Rates, Journal of Money, Credit
and Banking, 11 (February): 80-86.
Cornell, B., 1978, Risk, Currency Substitution
and the Exchange Rate, Proceedings of the Fall 1978 Conference,
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Cornell, B., 1978, Determinants of the Bid-Ask Spread on Forward Foreign Exchange Contracts Under Floating Exchange Rates, Journal of International Business Studies,
9 (Fall): 33-41.
Cornell, B., 1978, Using the Option Pricing
Model to Measure the Uncertainty Producing Effect of Major Announcements,
Financial Management, 7 (Spring): 54-59.
Cornell, B., 1978, Price as a Signal of
Quality: Some Additional Experimental Results, Economic
Inquiry, 16 (April): 302-309.
Cornell, B. and J.K. Dietrich, 1978, Mean Absolute Deviation versus Least-Square Regression Estimation of Beta Coefficients, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
13 (March): 123-131.
Cornell, B., 1978, Monetary Policy, Inflation
Forecasting and the Term Structure of Interest Rates, Journal
of Finance, 33 (March): 117-127.
Cornell, B. and J.K. Dietrich, 1978, The Efficiency of the Market for Foreign Exchange Under Floating Exchange Rates, Review of Economics and Statistics, 60 (February):
Cornell, B., 1978, Option Pricing in Bear
and Bull Markets, Journal of Portfolio Management,
4 (Summer): 30-32.
Cornell, B., 1977, Spot Rates, Forward Rates,
and Exchange Market Efficiency, Journal of Financial Economics,
5 (August): 55-65.
Reprinted in Frontiers in International
Financial Management, Ed. D.R. Lessard, John Wiley, 1979.
Reprinted in International Finance: Concepts
and Issues, Eds., R.W. Kalb and G.D Gay, Robert F. Dame, 1982.
Cornell, B., 1977, Measuring the Informational
Content of Consumer Price Announcements, Nebraska Journal
of Economics and Business, 16 (Summer): 57-64.
Cornell, B., 1977, Which Inflation Rate Affects Interest Rates, Business Economics,
12 (May): 22-25.
Reprinted in Certified Financial Analysts
Digest, 1977.
Cornell, B., 1977, Are Deep Discount Convertibles
Underpriced?, Journal of Portfolio Management, 3 (Spring):
Cornell, B., 1977, Using the Goldsmith-Nagan
Survey to Estimate the Liquidity Premium, Journal of Economics
and Business, 2 (February): 148-151.
Cornell, B., 1976, Managing Money in a Competitive Securities Market, Arizona Review,
25 (September): 1-5.
Cornell, B., 1976, Asset Pricing Under Uncertain
Inflation: A Note on the Work of Long and Roll, Intermountain
Economic Review, 7 (Spring): 85-91.
Cornell, B., 1976, The Arizona Retirement
System 1956-1975: An Investment Analysis, 25 (March): 1-5.
Book Reviews and Discussion Comments
Cornell, B., 1988, Statistical Analysis
of Price and Basis Behavior: October 12-26, 1987, in The
Stock Market: Bubbles, Volatility, and Chaos, Eds., E.D. Dwyer
and R.A. Hafer, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
Cornell, B., 1985, Review of Futures Markets,
edited by Manfred F. Streit, Journal of Monetary Economics,
16 (July): 133-135.
Cornell, B., 1985, Review of Exchange Rates
and International Macroeconomics, edited by Jacob A. Frenkel,
Journal of International Money and Finance, 4: 212-214.
Cornell, B., 1983, Review of Exchange Rate
Policy, by Ray A. Batchelor and Geoffrey Wood, Journal
of Economic Literature, 21: 1027-1029.
Working Papers
Cornell, B. and S.C. Cheng, 1995, Using
the DCF Method to Estimate the Cross-Sectional Variation of Expected
Cornell, B., 1984, Testing the Tax Timing
Option Theory: A New Approach.
Cornell, B. and J.K. Dietrich, 1979, Determinants
of Corporate Capital Structure: An Empirical Analysis.
Awards and Honors
Cited as one of the ten most prolific research authors in the field of finance, in Most Frequent Contributors To The Finance Literature, by Jean Louis Heck and Phillip L. Cooley,
Financial Management, Autumn, 1980.
Financial Management Association Prize for Applied Research: 1987
Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, Research Grant: 1984
Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Research Grant: 1983
Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Research Grant: 1981
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Research Grant: 1979
Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University, 1970
Graduated with distinction, Stanford University, 1970