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Consistently ranked among the best
business schools in the world, The Anderson School at UCLA offers MBA programs, M.S. and
Ph.D. programs, and more than 40 short-term Executive Education programs. The "entrepreneurial spirit" of our students and faculty has earned The Anderson School a reputation for innovation and cutting edge research. These qualities are reflected in our curriculum, designed to meet evolving management needs. The school features top departments in finance, marketing, strategy, and OTM. In addition, we offer courses in such areas as corporate renewal, digital technology, and real estate. Business Week recently ranked two Anderson professors among the best entrepreneurship teachers in the country: William Cockrum placed first in the nation, and William Yost captured the 11th spot. Our field study programs exemplify our commitment to integrating theory and practice, teamwork and strategic problem solving. Anderson students collaborate with other students, faculty and leading corporations here and abroad to find solutions to the critical questions facing business today. Internationally, we span the globe training tomorrow's business leaders. The School's emphasis on global management education and research overseas provides students and professionals alike with a rich resource of international knowledge, such as the Global Window, the award-winning guide to business success in Japan. Domestically, we sponsor the UCLA Anderson Forecast, which presages economic trends in California and the U.S., and we engage in outreach programs that train not-for-profit community service managers. Locally, we conduct high-impact research projects and incubate new businesses, marrying the best of UCLA's research scientists with the brightest of our students. |