UCLA Anderson Think in the Next

Matthew Schmitt

Kellogg School of Management

Faculty Recruitment Candidate in Strategy

“Multimarket Contact in the Hospital Industry”

Friday, January 29, 2016
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Cornell Hall, Room D313
UCLA Anderson School of Management


Hospitals in the U.S. increasingly belong to multihospital systems that operate in multiple geographic markets. A large literature in management and economics suggests that competition between firrms may be softened as a result of multimarket contact {i.e., when firms compete with one another in several markets simultaneously. I test whether increases in multimarket contact over the 2000-2010 period caused increases in hospital prices. Across a variety of econometric analyses, including those that exploit plausibly exogenous variation in multimarket contact generated by out-of-market consolidation, I find that multimarket contact does lead to higher hospital prices. To date, academic research and antitrust enforcement has primarily focused on the effects of mergers that increase within-market hospital concentration. My results suggest that continued consolidation in the industry { especially mergers between large hospital systems { may lead to higher prices even if that consolidation entails only minimal changes to within-market concentration.

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For more information, please contact Eric Cardenas
UCLA Anderson School of Management
110 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1481
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