How to use this workshop template:
- In Navigator Gold, click
on the Edit icon on the toolbar or select the Edit Document command from
the File menu to download the template to your hard drive so that you can
edit it.
- Save this tempate in the
folder my_web_files in the Personal folder in your Data folder on
your hard drive.
- Follow the steps (in this
red text) to customize the template with your own content.
- Instructions are in red
fixed font and material for you to replace is in black
regular font
- Our suggestions serve only
as place holders for your own information
- Once your page is complete,
be sure to delete all extraneous text (including all instructions which
are in red), as well as sample logos, links, images, and email addresses.
- Then you can post your page
to the Anderson Intranet using Navigator Gold's Publish feature.
- Each set of instruction
are followed by a stop sign at which time you will be given further verbal
explanations and instructions. Please wait for the group at these points.
- Replace "YourPreferredNameHere"
with the the name or nickname that you want to be called by, for example,
Joe, Josephine, etc.
- Change the style of "YourPreferredName"
to Heading 1
- Replace the line below with your full
- Change the style of your full name to
Heading 2
- Change the alignment so that your name
is centered
FirstName MiddleInitial LastName
- Insert a horizontal line below this line
of text
- Change the style of the next line to Heading
Table of Contents
- Change the following items into a bullet
- Adjust the alignment so that the bullets
are flush with the left margin of the page (decrease the indent)
Student Information
Current Interests
Work Experience
Personal Hot Links
Contact Information
- Insert a horizontal line below this line
of text
- Change the style of the next line to Heading
Student Information
In this next section of the web page you
will provide some general information about yourself to share with the
faculty and your classmates:
- Replace the text in black as appropriate.
If something is not applicable to you, type a dash (-).
- Note that the blue text is in Description
Title style format and the text you are replacing is in Desciption
Text format.
- The blue color was obtained by highlighting
the text and then selecting the Font Color icon.
Spouse's Name:
Home Town:
Santa Cruz, CA
Undergraduate School, Year Graduated:
UCLA, 1990
Undergraduate Degree, Major:
Bachelor of Arts in English, with honors
Graduate School, Year Graduated:
UCLA, 1996
Graduate Degree, Major:
M.S., Mechanical Engineering
Travel and Languages:
Spain and speak Spanish
- At this point, view your work by clicking
on the Browse icon.
- Be sure to save your file!
- Be sure all the instructions in red font
have been deleted.
- Please stop here and wait for next set
of workshop instructions before proceeding.

Creating Target Links
Concept: Using the "insert target"
and "make link" icons, you can link the various items listed
in the Table of Contents section above to their corresponding section headings
We'll do this for every item in the Table
of Contents. Let's begin with the section, "Current Interests."
- Select the text below, "Current Interests."
- Change the style of "Current Interests"
to Heading 3
- With the text still selected, click on
the "insert target" icon.
- Click "ok." This creates the
target text.
- Note that a target icon will appear in
front of the title in the editor mode. This icon will disappear in the
browse mode.
Current Interests
You've created the target to which you
link will jump. Now let's create the link itself:
- Scroll to the top of the file, highlight
the "Current Interests" item in the Table of Contents section.
- Click on Make Link icon, and then click
on the text in the bottom window (the target you created).
- Click on apply and close.
Repeat the process of creating a target then
creating a link to the target for the other section titles:
- Student Information
- Employment Background
- Personal Hot Links
- Contact Information
- Verify that the above target links work
in the browse mode.
- Change the style of the next line to Heading
Work Experience
- Change the style of the next line to Heading
Personal Hot Links
Now, go back and under "Current Interests"
and "Work Experience" section headings provide some information
that you want to share with your classmates and professors:
- For example, under "Current Interests"
you may describe your hobbies, interests, sports, etc.
- Under "Work Experience" please
share any work related background.
- Formatting hint:
After entering your information, highlight the text and using the Paragraph
Style menu make it Description Text.
Please leave "Personal Hot Links"
and "Contact Information" blank for now.
- Don't worry if you can't finish typing
your personal information; you will be able to work on it later.
- Be sure to save your file!
- Please stop here and wait for next set
of workshop instructions before proceeding.

Inserting Images
- Replace the Anderson logo at the top of
this file with your picture
(this will be demonstrated in the workshop; see page 10)
- View your work by clicking on the Browse
- Please stop here and wait for next set
of workshop instructions before proceeding.

Creating Links to HTML files
Concept: You can easily create links to HTML
files which can be on any Web site in the world.
Open a Browse window for these directions:
- Using the Open button, surf to the Dilbert
Zone located at:
Hint: You may want to cut and paste the URL into the "Open Location"
(You need to use the CTRL-V key combination to do the pasting.)
- Double-click the Quick-Link button to
the left of the "Location:" box.
- This copies the URL of the page you are
viewing to the Windows clipboard.
Go back in the Editor window for these
- Highlight the text "Dilbert Zone"
in the line below
- Click on the Make Link icon in the toolbar
- Paste the URL from the clipboard to the
"Link To" field in the dialog box
(You need to use the CTRL-V key combination to do the pasting.)
- Click Apply then Close
I really like the Dilbert Zone.
- Verify that the Dilbert link works in
the browse mode.
- Note that at some future time you can
use this method to insert more links to your favorite Web sites
Creating Email Links
Concept: You can create a link that will
allow someone browsing your page to send you an email message.
- Select the text for your full name near
the top of this file.
- Click on the Make Link icon.
- In the "link to" line type
(Note that there are no spaces between "mailto:" and your email
Go into browse mode:
- Verify that the email links work by sending
yourself an email
Switch back to edit mode:
- Please stop here and wait for next set
of workshop instructions before proceeding.

Setting Page Title
Concept: You can only set your web page's
"Document Title" by going into the "Document Properties."
You don't create it with something you type on the face of the web page!
- Select the Properties menu item and then
the Document option.
- Type in the title that you would like
to appear on the Bookmark list.
- Remember that this bookmark title should
accurately describe the page to others.
Before we learn to transfer files, let's
finalize your editing and design changes:
- Change the style of the text "Contact
Information" to Heading 3
- It should already have a "target"
icon in front
(which we linked to Table of Contents earlier in the workshop)
Contact Information
- Please replace the following text block
with your personal information.
- After entering your information, highlight
the block of text
- Using the pull down style menu select
Description Text.
street address
city, state zip
(###) ###-#### (phone)
(###) ###-#### (fax)
- Insert a horizontal line below this line
of text
Ending With A Signature
Concept: It is customary to put a "signature"
(name and date) at the end of a personal web page.
- Type your name and date below
- Select the two lines of text and apply
"Address" formatting from the Paragraph Styles menu
Your name
Today's date
- To complete this exercise, review the
entire page and rearrange and fix things to your liking.
- You may return to modify this material
anytime you like in the future.
- Please erase the links and material below
as it was included for illustrative purposes only.