Selected Articles by Prof. Flamholtz:
Organizational success and failure: an empirical test of a holistic model, European Management Journal, v18, n5, (Oct. 2000), pp. 488-498, (with Zeynep Aksehirli).
Effective organizational control: A framework, applications, and implications,
European Management Journal v14, n6 (Dec 1996):596-611.
Managing organizational transitions: Implications for corporate and human
resource management, European Management Journal v13, n1 (Mar 1995):39-51.
  The Inner Game of Management, Management Review v77, n4 (Apr 1988):24-30. (with Yvonne Randle)
Valuation of Human Assets in a Securities Brokerage Firm: An Empirical Study, Accounting, Organizations & Society v12, n4 (1987):309-318.
Toward an Integrative Framework of Organizational Control, Accounting, Organizations & Society v10, n1 (1985):35-50 (with T.K. Das and Anne S. Tsui). 
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